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Game is Pretty Nice

Deleted 189 days ago

Hi Rena, thank you so much for taking the time to play my game & for making a playthrough! I just checked out your LP; I really appreciate it!!! <3 <3 <3 And Noel's dialogue was the most fun to write!


Hello! I was wondering if you needed anyone for a French translation of the game? I really enjoyed it and would love to help spread it to even more people :)

Hello; thank you for your interest and offer! Now that I completed every chapter, I'm all for there being translations! ^-^

I love it so much!!

Thank you!!! 💖💖💖💖

Very good

Aww, thank you!

Deleted 188 days ago

Awww, thank you so much for taking the time to play & make an lp! :D

Deleted 188 days ago

Ooh yeah, it was super cute and accurate! That app seems like fun.

Thank you again for your support!! <3

Deleted 188 days ago

AaaaaHHHH, thank you!!! <3 <3 <3

Deleted 188 days ago

Awww, thank you so much for taking the time to do a gameplay! :) I really appreciate it! Sorry for the late reply; been a bit busy. ^^;

Oh no, I definitely remember you! I didn't get the chance to watch the whole video yet, but I thought it was really well-made. Never been good at making gameplays/lps myself, so it's always cool to see them! :D

Deleted 188 days ago

I watched the playthrough in ManlyBadassHero chanel, I have so much fun watching it. Next time, I will play it by myself. Keep making the game, you are awesome!

(1 edit)

Oh wow, Manly's lp really takes me back. The version he played was not canon--it was a test to figure out RPGM. But chapter 0 still means a lot to me! And thank you so much for your kind words; they totally made my day! 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝

I actually finished the game series for Traumerei a few months ago [Chapter 4 was the final game] and started writing novels for it, instead!


So      A D O R A B L E    <3

Thank you!!!!!! :D


great game i love it 

Aww, thank you so much!! <3

I can not install this. It said error

Sorry for the late response, MysticCrystal!! I haven't come across that error before, but I'll check it out. Perhaps it might work if you uninstall and then reinstall the game? ^^

yes i have for many times

(1 edit)

If you still can't install it I might be able to help

(Edit : Just realized this was 6 months ago)

hi. i know your comment are from 2020 but i hope you dont mind because I need help, I dont know how to fix the error. I tried many times to install it again and it wont work, do you know how to fix it?


Hi there! Beautiful game and concept. Do you have any plans to push this and other chapters onto steam?

Thank you Dgalbraith3! Yep, I'm actually planning on submitting the whole game +bonus chapters to Steam once they're completed.

That's awesome! Do you have any interest in working with a publisher? I work for one and we'd love to work with you if you're interested!?

Thank you for the offer, Dgalbraith3! Unfortunately, I will have to decline for now.

Best of luck!